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Rocky Mountain - attention assist essential oil blend

Rocky Mountain - attention assist essential oil blend


Stay focused and increase concentration with Attention Assist. From doing homework to completing a work project by its deadline, we have things in our daily lives on which we need to focus; however, we can sometimes find ourselves distracted from the task at hand. Attention Assist is expertly crafted to help clear mental cobwebs, fortify the mind, and keep your thoughts clear so that you can start checking items off of your To Do list. 

Attention Assist also aids in calming and soothing your emotions. It works particularly well at calming feelings of anger or frustration, thus allowing you to stay grounded during tense situations. 

Attention Assist is a blend of Vetiver, Frankincense, Lavender, and Cedarwood essential oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil. It has a bold, woodsy, and earthy aroma that awakens and grounds the mind. 


Capacity: 15ml


Attention Assist Massage Cream

  • 30 drops Attention Assist
  • 20 drops Bergamot FCF
  • 1 teaspoon FCO (Fractionated Coconut Oil) 


Attention Assist 複方精油來保持和提高注意力。由可以專注地在家工作,到順利地在指定日期內完成作業,都需要我們來提供專注力來把手頭上的任務完成。


Attention Assist 能幫助我們清除混亂思維,保持我們思路清澈,以便我們可以有條理地把事情處理好。亦能幫助我們平靜和舒緩情緒令我們能在平靜的情況下處理好各樣事情。





有需要使用時,可以把精油塗抹在腳底下也可加上基底油稀釋後塗抹在小孩子的腳板底上(6+years old),或成人、頸後、或太陽穴來喚醒我們.

Attention Assist噴霧:


35滴Attention Assist

1 teaspoon 液體椰子油

4 ounces 礦泉水


Attention Assist肌膚油:

35滴Attention Assist

1 teaspoon 液體椰子油

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