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Aribebe - 2in1 Natural Gauze Blanket (Navy)

Aribebe - 2in1 Natural Gauze Blanket (Navy)


This 100% cotton made in Korea natural gauze blanket is perfect for all times, especially to newborns, infants and toddlers.  It's supper lightweight, breathes well, is absorbent, and gets softer and softer each time you wash.  This can be sued in different ways from swaddling baby, as a light cover under and A/C environment or to the beach.  It can also be worn as a fashion vest for toddlers with double tying strings designed to secure your children while wearing it.


Aribebe 2 In 1 純棉紗布 (藏藍色)

這 100%純棉紗布是韓國製造和設計的天然紗布。這設計是專為嬰兒和幼兒成長和需要而創造。紗布觸感輕柔,透氣度高,不會給嬰兒肌膚做成任何負擔。每次洗 滌完,紗布會變得更柔軟和順滑。這2 in 1設計有多款穿法,可由嬰兒時期用作抱毯、哺乳巾,到作為幼兒期的沙灘衣或冷氣背心等。

  • Material

    • 100% cotton
    • made in Korea



    • 100%純棉紗
    • 韓國制造
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