About Us
Industry-Leading Skin Care Store At Your Disposal
Kissyme is founded by two mothers who experienced all irritating skin problems most of the time and also during pregnancy and baby-rearing period. It brings in completely natural skincare products from different countries to pamper the delicate skin of the pregnants, babies and people with sensitive skin issues. For example, products of Atopalm is tailor-made for the little ones. Pureforet is especially good for both kids and adults with sensitive, irritating skin. Kissyme also carries variety of natural and organic skincare brands and products for all ages and genders. Solidly grounded in user perspective, Kissyme created their own house brand of natural skin products which pamper sensitive skin with genuinely natural ingredients, making it a popular gift for all ages with delicate skin!
Kissyme 由兩位育有小孩的媽媽創辦,由未婚到懷孕及育嬰期間各種惱人的皮膚問題,促使她們由用家角度出發,從不同國家引進純天然護膚產品,為各位女仕們、準媽媽及寶寶的肌膚 提供安全妥貼的保護。例如旗下Atopalm 系列專門針對嬰兒及小童的幼嫩皮膚,以純天然成份,溫和滋潤亦容易被皮膚吸收,令寶寶細緻無瑕的肌膚得到周全的寵愛。另一皇牌韓國品牌Pureforet, 是針對小童、青少年以至成年人有敏感皮膚問題而設計。除此之外,Kissyme從世界各地搜羅不同天然或有機護膚產品,適合不同年齡、性別的你。Kissyme 還自家創造天然護膚品品牌,從用家角度挑選各種天然護膚品原材料,造出針對各種皮膚問題適合皮膚敏感的男女長幼的護膚品,絕對是一份人見人愛的窩心禮物之選!